Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Meaning of Life

The first time I watched "The Life of Brian" I laughed sooooooo hard! I was watching it in England with a group of people who had seen it at least 10 times each. They were all laughing, too. Mainly, they were laughing at me, laughing. It was a great evening. I mean, they saw it anew through my eyes. :) I was struck how that movie points out how easily we create meaning for ourselves in contrast to what something could mean.

When I said "life is meaningless" I meant life only has meaning if we choose to give it meaning. Like when we choose to get up and go to work. Either it has meaning for us, or it doesn't. In fact, most people only go to work to pay bills, not to have fun and create the day into something cool. Most do not follow their hearts and life's meaning is to work to live. I mean, this isn't revolutionary stuff, it's just the way I see it. My life is created every day through my choices. Until I act as a creator, there is no meaning to it, until I bring the meaning.

Does this make sense? So, my dear lovely readers (and I mean that) I am not depressed. Simply looking at each day and saying to myself, "OK, what do I want to create today?"

On Sunday, I could have stayed home and cleaned my apartment more, but to me the meaning of life is spending as much time with those I love as possible. I had an opportunity to spend a day watching a game I initially did not care about with two people I love very much. See? The game wasn't the point, the people were.

Hope this clears things up. :)
World Girl

PS. I would miss you, too, James if you were gone. And Kevin, you see life the way you do; it does not rub off on me. :) Sorry. I'll keep reading your blog and shaking my head, but I won't get depressed. :)


Blogger James Lamb / tvjames said...

Wait... so you're your own Creator?
What would your parents say?

Sure, much of who we are is the sum of our experience and we have free will, but I think it's bigger than that.

If I was solely here with only my own choices to guide me, I wouldn't be doing charity work. Who knows if I'd be married or have a child?

I certainly wouldn't be in Seattle. There's absolutely no way I can point to any of what happened between October 1995 and April 2006 and say that was my choice. I gladly went along (except for where I pushed back), but I'm not vain enough to claim credit for that. I'm putting all the glory on that where it belongs... that was God's plan to move me back up here. An answer to our prayers, to be sure, but we would have never in a million years figured this one out on our own.

8:51 PM  

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