Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Holiday

Today was one of the better family holidays I have had in a very, very, very long time. People were connecting, the food was good and all around there was a sense of community. My day started out quite unexpectedly dashing. You see, a gentleman I have been seeing posted a dating application on his Facebook page. It seemed like a deliberate rub. So, I did the only sensible thing. I made a Starbucks run for my sister and Brother in law. Once I got to my sister's home, I played with my sweet adorable do-no-wrong niece. We put on her pink coat, her pink booties and her pink hat and went for a walk in the rain. We found several mud puddles and jumped into them at least 5 times each.

Later, we all congregated at my parent's home. It was just perfect. My dad said grace and thanked the lord for the time he has had on earth. My nephew thanked the lord for Easter candy. I thanked the lord for my stubborn heart which I have gotten so good at protecting and also thanked the lord for giving my dad more days in the sun. My uncle Jonathan is an atheist so he wasn't thankful for anything.

Then came the wonderful conversations about atheism, theism, deism, Alexander the Great and Pornography. Just the way an Everett holiday should be. Oh, and we cracked open some potentially amazing but failed to be French wine year 1983. Absolute rubbish. My mom fed Max, the dog, deviled eggs under the table. Ah, bliss. My bliss. Everyone arguing, laughing and being a little nuts.

Thank God for my family.


Blogger James Lamb / tvjames said...

Welcome back. Long time no blog.

So you capitalize Pornography but not lord. Intentional?

11:37 PM  
Blogger World Girl said...

Ha. No, it wasn't intentional. I was just writing quickly, recounting the moments, without much thought to grammar. :)

11:03 PM  

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