Saturday, June 09, 2007

More on Creation

In response to comments: (James, you've already read this.)

I can see your point of view, and I still believe that even if we don't tell ourselves, "I choose this" We are still choosing it. There's so much more self-realization and power in claiming who we are being, rather than be a victim of circumstances.

There's way more power for me in choosing that I had my relationship with my ex, than saying, "he did this and that to me". My ex was being who he is, and I happened to choose to interact with him. I was speaking with a friend of mine about this relationship, and I said, "Deep down, my gut and my intellect knew (said person) wasn't what he put forward." She said, "I bet you didn't even have to go 'deep down'." To this I say she is right. And yet, I still chose it. And I learned so much from that experience, so much that I didn't know before about myself and about life and what love is.

Everyday I choose to go into work and do my best, because I said so. Not because I must do so. Not because someone is making me, not because I am going along with the flow. I'm here, because I want to be.

I believe in a higher power, or a creator, but I am not convinced this creator is busily holding the strings of all our human lives. We show up in this world as we do, and it is up to us to accept what we are and then create who we're going to be in our life time.

So, life is meaningless, until I create meaning.

Remember that scene in 'The Life of Brian' and a horde of people are trying to deify Brian? He touches a gourd, and the woman next to him takes the gourd and says 'the holy gourd'. She made it all up. She gave meaning to the gourd. The gourd itself, is just a gourd. Outside of its physical parameters, there is nothing to suggest it has high spiritual powers. See? We do that every day. We give meaning to our lives and the gourds that are in it.

World Girl


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