Monday, June 27, 2005

Let The Triathlons Begin

This past Saturday was my first triathlon of the season. Last year I did two and fell in love with them. A triathlon gives one such a sense of accomplishment and inspiration. When I completed my firt tri last July, I couldn't believe it. Me. World Girl. Many a thing has been said about me, but being an athlete has never been one of them. Not only did I complete the triathlons, but I did a good job finishing respectfully.

On Saturday, I did the Lake Padden Triathlon in Bellingham, WA. One of the fun things about having done this tri alone, was I got to meet new people. I chatted away those who were racked next to me (Racked means where you have your bike hung. It is your designated transition area.) When I went to warm up, I met all kinds of people who opted not to wear wetsuites. We bonded while shivering. I even met a gentleman who was visiting from New Orleans and decided he would do the tri. Very impressive.

I was in the recreational category, wanting to ease my way into the season. It was a 1/4 mile swim; a 10 mile bike ride and a 2.6 mile run. Swimming is my strong suite, so I plowed throught the 1/4 mile. I swear I was a mermaid in a former life. Then onto the bike ride. The brochure mentioned that the route was a bit "hilly". Ahem. Why, yes it was hilly. The first mile was straight up hill to be matter of fact. Hills kill me when I ride. It just knocks me over. The last two mile of the ride were much worse. The hills were considerably steeper, and at one point I had to get off my bike and push. Wow. Then the run was easy. Easy soft dirt trail. I finished a lot sooner than I thought I would, so I'm quite pleased. Next is Clear Lake on July 9th; Seafair on July 17th, Danskin in August and then if I'm really a bad ass, I'll do an Olympic sized tri in September (1 mile swim; 26 mile ride; 6 mile run).

With visions of hills dancing in my head....
World Girl

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Website of the Week.

A lot more fun and interesting then I had anticipated. If you're single, ready for a relationship, give it a go for a month. I'm already in communication with a great guy and we "seem" to match up pretty darn well. :)

World Girl

Monday, June 06, 2005

Ding Doh!

OK, so the date was little anti-climatic for me. Not too surprising since having expectations is a stupid way to go into anything. (By the way, the day after my date, my eye is doing much better. Last night, it was at its worst. I could barely see out of my eye.)

He was funny and cute. He gave me a cd that he had made compiled of Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and few other goodies. It's a good cd, one I enjoy listening to.

The thing is, he talked soooo much. It wasn't a two-way conversation. I know, I know, guys do that when they're nervous and, well, because they're guys. Guys do that. So does my friend Jayne. I love her anyway.

But I can't totally call it off because of that. He talked about vulnerable stuff. Stuff I wouldn't talk about on a first pseudo date. He talked about stuff in his past he wasn't proud of. We all have that kind of stuff. It was like, he wanted to get it all out there, perhaps for some reason or another. One, he doesn't want to date me, therefore, he tells me things I might not want to hear. Two, he wants me to know it all, so later on, there are no surprises that I might get upset about, because he does like me and he doesn't want to get hurt. Three, that's just who he is, it had nothing to do with me and I should stop analyzing the situation.

Anyway, I'm not put off, but not as giddy and excited as I was before. I'm more excited about my eye responding to antibiotics at the moment (if it didn't, I would have to have surgery that leaves a scar).:)

Here's to the unknown.

World Girl

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Addendum #2 to Ding Dong!

In about 2 1/2 hours, I will be sitting across from a certain gentleman, whom I think is cute and funny. We will be having sushi. I bought a new outfit for the "occasion"(those Old Navy ads finally got to me).

And I have an eye infection. Do I cancel? Everyone said, "Oh no, that's no big deal" but we shall see. My eyelid is swollen and red. I may attempt to match the other eye with the puffy one. You know, hit myself or something. Anyway, I'm excited and nervous and afraid and giddy. Very good, indeed. :)

World Girl

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Website of the Day

For the shoe whore in all of us.

World Girl

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Addendum to 'Ding Dong'

Looks like I'll see him this weekend about the cd's. He made me a cd as well, of Sinatra and Dean. Looking forward to hearing what he has picked for me to listen to. If he's a big a fan of Swing, Blues and Jazz, like miss World Girl, I'm going to have a serious crush going on. :)

Ding Dong!